Friday, May 30, 2008

Scrimshaw, fakes and nonsense.

so, we acquired a piece of scrimshaw on an apparent whales tooth that I have been trying to authenticate. I paid for an on-line appraisal which stated and rather rudely that the piece was plastic, a fake, and worth about 20 bucks. Well, okay but, i have done alot of research and found a piece with the exact design on an eBay site that supposedly was un-earthed at some place in England I think not so very long ago and was supposed to be an original but, if that one is original and has been buried for so long, why are there copies? No one could see that piece to make a 20Th century copy, right? and again, I found another piece that states it is a fake, with the same design, again, ? So somewhere is an original of this piece for others to copy. when I researched on a site called "" one is mentioned that seems similar but is not as big and has an American flag depicted which mine has a British flag and is longer.....they do not provide pictures, but I am posting ones here of ours because something is fishy[pun!! and yes i know whales are not fish] but I don't know where yet, but I am going to find out! just because. ours is signed with initials j a as the one mentioned on fakeshaw, but the other criteria is not met. the one i saw on the eBay site was very similar to mine, no initials though and the carving was not as detailed nor was the tooth itself defined as well. i of course want mine to the original and all the others copies, but, we will see what else I can find out.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Our daughter has been involved for around 10 years with AKC dogs, mostly GSD and BC. She has become an excellent handler bringing many dogs to finish. Christmas of last year she went into a co-ownership with Mikel Dugas of Dugas Kennels on a GSD dog from Sharobi Kennels up in Washington State. This pup is the finest pup, awesome movement, conformation, the whole package as they say. Last weekend was their first show together. They took best of breed two days in a row and earned two points! Spectacular for a puppy, he is only 7 months old!
The daughter is estatic, this dog could very well be the next Grand Champion, he is that good.
An absolute natural. Pictures at right and on our website....
I'm putting together a site just for the two of them, haven't found the host I want yet.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

So yep, the remodel saga continues...three days ago my "crew" was going to replace something under the kitchen sink, not sure what, but they found so much mold and dryrot that they decided to replace all the undersink plumbing but THEN we were out of water for about 36 hrs due to the old galvy plumbing springing multiple leaks when they had to move it around some to get the new in... and all new plumbing starting from the main meter so, no dishwasher, no sink, no water to the downstairs bath, can't do the damn dishes in the tub and they are PILING up! Today Uncle Ralph worked alone on the underbelly, couldn't find this couldn't find that, I did the best I could..."plumbers putty? where'd you put it? no, someone is not moving your stuff, what is this? your welcome. plumbing supplies in a bag? where'd you see it last? what's this? your welcome. plumbers tape? where'd you put it down? this stuff? your welcome." then I hear him singing to himself, loudly as Uncle Ralph does, "a tisket a tasket i stripped the basket", so, no sink basket till tomorrow, not that we need one yet anyway. After that, he decided to go home, don't blame him. He spent all day under the house yesterday putting in new copper, all the old pipes were galvy, and rotten. And yes, Ralph made a pot of coffee that he never drank one sip of, can't figure that out.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008


I'm listening to the news this morning and one of, [or maybe both] candidates are broke, oh toooo bad. We have all this hunger and poverty and God knows what else in the world and our own country and these people are spending millions on election campaigns while promising a better future? How and when? I do not understand why they need so much money to run in the first place. I really don't. Especially with the amonts involved, so yep, that's about it for that, and no, I will not vote for either one of the top two. Promises, promises. whatever.